How do I add administrators to my academy?

There are three levels of administrator within your academy: supervisor, instructor, and academy admin.

Depending on the size of your organization, maintaining an academy might be more than a one-person job. To add more administrative support, click the Settings button and then click Manage Users. Click Invite Users at the top of the page.


This will bring up a lightbox that can be user to invite users. There will be an Invite Admins tab that you can select to enter the email, or multiple emails separated by commas. 

Next, select what role you would like to assign to this admin, as well as any additional access to the academy.

Admin Rolls:

- Supervisors can access tutorials and the learner report but cannot create or edit tutorials.

- Instructors can create and edit tutorials and view reports.

- Academy Admins have access to everything without restriction. 


With a role selected, click Invite. Your new admin(s) will receive an email and can start administrative tasks immediately.